HK$75,000 ~ 7,590 Euro @ today's rate {nt}

Jan 06, 2012,23:04 PM



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listrice differences

 By: Bruno.M1 : January 6th, 2012-10:28
I think in Europe Panerai watches are not that cheap today. Therefor I would like to know the OFFICIAL LISTPRICE in your country. So please reply (in the title to make it more easy to read) with the price in your country And to make it even more easy for ... 

6900 euro in Europe [nt]

 By: Bruno.M1 : January 6th, 2012-10:28
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No simple answer or a fair one - just a practical answer

 By: Bill : January 6th, 2012-13:21
If you take your example of us price of 10,400 + 10% tax you start with a US price +/- $11440 not sure why to include tax but staying on the same thought. If you look at the currency exchange between USD and EURO we had a high of 1.48 and low today close ... 

I always wondered

 By: Bruno.M1 : January 6th, 2012-23:41
why most Americans don't include tax ? Or does nobody pays it ? In that case I understand why the public debt is so big in the US LOL I mean, or I think everybody pays taxes on watches in Europe afaik those who export their watches are rare exceptions

Sales tax in the USA varies between states

 By: dreamer8 : January 6th, 2012-23:50
Bruno, sales tax are not uniform. It varies between states and in California and NY ( that's what I was told when I visited in April 2011 ), it varies between boroughs. 9.7 % in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and less than 9.7 % else where in California.The ... 


 By: Bruno.M1 : January 7th, 2012-01:33
but in any case I think we must add between 7 and 10% to the listrpice we see in the US, right ? In Europe a listprice is always all taxes included

You have to wait for US ristis to chime in Bruno

 By: dreamer8 : January 7th, 2012-02:21
7- 10 % is about right, but I remembered reading that some states do not have any sales tax. cheers,dreamer

Also, it seems many people purposely avoid paying their state's sales tax

 By: AnthonyTsai : January 9th, 2012-19:02
In the US, if you buy from another state and that business doesn't have a store or location in your state, you don't get charged sales tax. So many people purposely buy from another state and have that store ship that product to their location in another ... 

Santa Monica is now unfortunately 10.25% tax *gasp*

 By: AnthonyTsai : January 9th, 2012-18:59
Can't believe it's above 10% now while other parts of Southern California are less than 8%. Cheers, Anthony

i am speechless Anthony

 By: dreamer8 : January 9th, 2012-19:03
it was 9.75 % last April when I was there with my family. cheers,dreamer

S$13800 in Singapore.nt [nt]

 By: John HS : January 6th, 2012-18:14
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HK$75,000 ~ 7,590 Euro @ today's rate {nt}

 By: scfong : January 6th, 2012-23:04
... Cheers, sc

equals 8.400 euro [nt]

 By: Bruno.M1 : January 6th, 2012-23:42
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got these from SG Ristis Bruno

 By: dreamer8 : January 7th, 2012-00:22
390 - 5,800 372 - 13,800 Bronzo - 14,500 In Singapore dollars and inclusive of sales tax. Cheers, dreamer