Very nice!

Oct 24, 2016,13:15 PM

Seems like you need to drive it more! 

Thanks for the factory tour!  I was impressed with my experience in the i3.  I haven't really driven the i8 yet. 

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It all started in 2007...

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 23rd, 2016-09:20
There is a reason why BMW and other great companies last 100 years or more. They keep thinking forward, about the future. The BMW i program started in 2007. BMW assembled a small team of people, "cramped" in a small office or unused location in Munich BMW...  

Thank you, my friend. Yes, my bad...fortunately my office is only <3 miles away from home...

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 23rd, 2016-09:55
Or unfortunately, and I got other work horse SUV to drive, hence the low mileage. It is fun to drive, and not much gas needed since the electric can cover my local commute. Rgds Raymond

Terrific, Raymond.

 By: TheMadDruid : October 23rd, 2016-09:54
I love the pictures from Leipzig. And, of course, the BMWs themselves.

Nice toy

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : October 23rd, 2016-11:02
but all these hybrid/electric cars are not so technologically advanced like Tesla cars. German manufacturers have realized the threat coming from Nevada and they've increased R&D in real electric car. I8 is a toy, the artificially generated sound to impro... 

True about the acceleration on Tesla, like a bullet....

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 23rd, 2016-11:15
but I still prefer the option to top up my gas tank when I am traveling. The anxiety of not having enough electric juice is way too much for me for now. The sound is just making the driving more fun, so you prefer no sound at all? The design of Tesla Mode... 


 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : October 23rd, 2016-11:42
I need a car to move from home to work. Cars engines are technology of 18th century!!! It's time to rethink the car, but not in the way commercials and marketing try to sell their stuff. Your fear is the same of some friends with whom i discuss; but very ... 


 By: Clueless_Collector : October 23rd, 2016-13:00
To disagree, I hope Life is a cycle, we use walkers and diapers when young and later in life, haha...hopefully not for me! Things might fall back to basics, less is more kind of and there's always something for someone. It's a beautiful world, dsgalaxy1. ... 

You are right about pollution.

 By: TheMadDruid : October 23rd, 2016-13:26
And warming as well. But until all electric can go 300-400 miles (450-600km) people (and good, caring people) will fear going away from hybrids and diesels. Not necessarily right, but truth.

Very nice!

 By: patrick_y : October 24th, 2016-13:15
Seems like you need to drive it more! Thanks for the factory tour! I was impressed with my experience in the i3. I haven't really driven the i8 yet.

Yes I need to drive more Patrick...

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 24th, 2016-14:44
I heard the i3 is actually very roomy and fun to drive, at least that's what they show on the first reactions from drivers testing it. I should test drive it someday too. Thank you. Rgds Raymond

Here's my quickie review on it...

 By: patrick_y : October 24th, 2016-15:37 It was good around the streets of Downtown LA. Worthy of a lease.

This will probably stay with me for a very long time...Not typical my style...

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 24th, 2016-20:31
It will always be a first for BMW, a likely museum candidate. Rgds Raymond

Very cool!

 By: KMII : October 24th, 2016-18:53
Especially the red colour As is of course the fact that they were quite forward thinking for the times. Great report Raymond!

Thank you, my friend. It's a car Lisa and I will "fight" to drive :) unlike the Rapide.

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 24th, 2016-20:36
She didn't like that Aston, felt it's too big and heavy, but main worry is the repair, if she was to mess up. Yes, the Red is nice, maybe I'll save it for the new Spyder i8. Rgds Raymond