Sounds like a fun trip!

Oct 16, 2022,20:55 PM

I have a feeling that the watch would be less expensive 😁

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Comments: view entire thread


No photo can quite capture the brilliance of this watch!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-11:43
Two weeks ago, after seventy months of waiting (yep, that is 70), I finally received a watch from a horological legend, Roger W. Smith. I had ordered a Series 2 way back in November 2016 and decided to change that order to a Series 1 in early 2020. The 38...  

Thank you!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-12:05
I think so too.

That is beyond rare...

 By: andrea~ : October 14th, 2022-12:07
Enjoy this beautiful timepiece in the best of health!

Thank you Andrea!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-12:15
Rare it certainly is.

I love simple watches with a legible dial

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-12:16
so this fitted the bill well. Thanks John!

A classic beauty! Congrats!

 By: enjoythemusic : October 14th, 2022-12:20

Many thanks!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-12:24
I would like to think that this watch would not be susceptible to trends and hypes and will always represent the epitome of watch making.

Exactly! Well played.

 By: enjoythemusic : October 14th, 2022-13:48

Thank you for the vote of confidence!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-13:51
A well made two or three handed watch always sways it for me.

My exact sentiments!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:23

Congrats, Sham. Very happy for you.

 By: joenghenry : October 14th, 2022-13:04
The prolonged waiting definitely pays off by this gorgeous piece of art. Enjoy! Best, Henry

Thank you Henry

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-13:13
No matter how prepared one is to receive a Smith, I discovered while opening the packaging that the excitement and anticipation needs to be experienced to be understood. A monumental watch by any standards. A different way of finishing a movement compared... 

Congratulations - that's a beauty!

 By: GWIS : October 14th, 2022-13:10
Roger came along to a Purists event in London in 2008/9. He seemed a great guy, and his work speaks for itself. All the best, Jon

I had the privilege of meeting Roger once at Salon QP

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-13:21
in 2016 just before placing my order. I remember being quite forward and asking him 'if I decided to place an order, what would happen if something had happened to him' to which he reassured me that he had trained his small team to carry on his work to th... 

Thank you Nico!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-13:24
It is not easy to get excited with any other watch purchase after receiving a Smith so I think my watch collecting days may be in its twilight. Maybe another two or three more and I am done

Somehow when you say it my friend, it sounds like a curse!! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-13:47
Well I am a firm believer of quality over quantity and helped (or not helped!) by a small wallet, I think even two or three more might be sounding optimistic!

Perhaps a Voutilainen 28E or a Frodsham

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:37
or possibly Liverpool winning the Champions League again!

Aaah, you see! :))))

 By: amanico : October 14th, 2022-22:02


 By: amanico : October 15th, 2022-07:13

So true!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-13:26
I was even impressed with all the hallmarks, something I usually do not focus on much but these ones looked impressive!

Thank you and

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:33
your photographic skills would bring out the best out of this watch!

Major congrats - this is the holy grail of watches

 By: ambel : October 14th, 2022-14:29
Can't wait to receive my RW Smith, hopefully still this year.

Oh wow! Which Series?!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:34
It would be an excellent Christmas present!

Series 5 openworked

 By: ambel : October 14th, 2022-14:58


 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-15:00
That is the one!!

Agreed on all counts

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:35
especially the fact that Roger has made improvements to the co-axial escapement.


 By: Michael Reilly : October 14th, 2022-14:32
I inquired about one last year. His wife said 5 year wait . I said, I’m 70 and could be dead by the time my watch is ready. Lol πŸ˜‚

True but we only live once and

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:40
as many of us these days I believe will live over 85 years, that would easily give you ten years of bliss with a Smith!


 By: Michael Reilly : October 15th, 2022-18:02
You got me. I agree. And I am in good health.

Wow, congratulations!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : October 14th, 2022-14:43
It looks great and I'm so glad you are finding joy in wearing it. Best wishes!

To be honest,

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:53
I am still a little nervous whenever I strap it on but it is a pleasure to look at it on and off the wrist. I am guilty at placing the watch next to me at times while I am watching TV! This beats wearing it as I can flip the watch easily and view the move... 

It's a precious little friend, watching tv with you!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : October 14th, 2022-16:50
I love that.

Quite sad really

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-16:56
but it brings a smile to my face whenever I see it next to me (back or front!) -)

I love cats

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-17:02
and spend every night feeding the strays in my area. But I think I would get too attached to a cat if it lived with me and besides I have a lovely wife - so the wife on one side and the Series ! on the other!

You are a wise person to love cats.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : October 14th, 2022-17:05
Good for you to feed strays, that is a real act of charity. I get the feeling that your wife, like many of the spouses of collectors, is a very patient person!

She is the best!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-17:15
My car boot is packed with cat food so sometimes I also drive into underground car parks to feed the strays. Unfortunately not everyone loves cats but I do and arguably too much. I intend to include in my will that all my watches (but one to my wife) shou... 

Thank you for the generous compliment!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:27
We all do things to please ourselves. I seem to get a huge amount of satisfaction feeding our feline friends. I am sure many contribute more significantly to society.


 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : October 16th, 2022-13:01
P.S. Are you near Singapore? My future in-laws 🀞🏼🀞🏼🀞🏼 are in southernmost Malaysia. Will probably visit them sometime!

Your in laws must be in the state of Johor!

 By: sham1 : October 16th, 2022-13:40
I am not in Singapore but In am in Kuala Lumpur so if you happen to be in Johor, do drop by in KL. Not only will I show you my Smith but I will arrange a special get together so that the collectors and purists can meet you! And congratulations on your imp... 

Thank you so much!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : October 16th, 2022-21:32
It will be a little while!

Don't wait too long!

 By: sham1 : October 17th, 2022-06:22
Because these Malaysian girls get snapped up like a good watch! And I hope he loves cats too!

Actually, the wait (for us on the sidelines) didn't seem that long

 By: cazalea : October 14th, 2022-14:52
I and others who were watching and listening to your decision-making process congratulate you! Since we weren't really having to stress out about it, it seems like "only last year" you were making those decisions on color of metal and style of watch! Just...  

Thanks Mike for sharing the photos with us!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-14:57
It does help, I must admit, if one gets distracted by other watches during those seventy months. And there have been plenty of distractions!

Thank you Fabrizio!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-15:47
It is indeed the most significant piece I haver ever owned and probably that I will ever own! It will not be a daily wear (although it could serve as one easily) but for me, it will be reserved for special occasions.

Fantastic Sham.

 By: Jay (Eire) : October 14th, 2022-15:40
Perfect size, and the thickness bothers me not at all. Look forward to seeing you share more pictures of this one. Congratulations, and I commend your patience! πŸ˜‚

Thanks Jay!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-15:53
I think these days patience is almost necessary if we are to obtain a special watch. Some brands including Roger Smith has closed its order books for new customers. Others may not have followed suit but their waiting lists have extended to 8 to 10 years w... 

More photos for you!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-15:20

Thank you for your generous compliment!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-15:58
My taste is generally quite conservative I think with a penchant for time only two or three handed watches. For the uninitiated, many of my watches may look fairly similar - Breguet numerals, seconds counter, 37 or 38mm. This is one of my few watches with... 

Thank you very much!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-16:27
It a major purchase and it has lived up to its expectations., i have seen and tried on two Series 2 previously but never a Series 1 which I do prefer due to its simplicity.

Wish I have any...

 By: Ronald Held : October 15th, 2022-19:11
Opportunity to see a RLS watch innthe metal.

Well Ronald

 By: sham1 : October 16th, 2022-01:09
I will be happy to show you mine if you dropped by in Malaysia!

Thank you Pat!

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-16:54
I know that Roger did not engrave the movement of his earlier watches but I am so glad that he has done so with such artistry!

Wow! 🀩🀩 Huge congratulations, Sham!

 By: BigAppleBill : October 14th, 2022-16:57
Obviously this piece is a game changer for any collection. I known you will have many years of enjoyment from this very special piece. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Smith a few years ago. Such a humble gentleman as well as being a talented and devoted... 

I agree :-)

 By: sham1 : October 14th, 2022-16:59
Thank you.

Huge Congratulations!

 By: M-Scott : October 14th, 2022-18:50
What a beauty! Thank you for sharing. That’s a rare gem as you well know. Enjoy!

Thank you for your kind comments!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:30
Merely owning it is an honour, looking at it is a joy and wearing it provides the ultimate feel good factor.

Oh wow my friend 😱.

 By: Watchonthewrists : October 14th, 2022-19:07
Huuuuuuge congrats, what a gorgeous masterpiece . Like you said a true piece of art πŸ€©πŸ‘ŒπŸ». Just incredible, wear it and enjoy it to the max

Thank you very much my friend!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:31
This is a definite candidate for a one watch collection if there ever was one!

Okay, I am impressed! πŸ™Œ

 By: KCLQMULKU : October 14th, 2022-19:21
I confess to prefer white metal, but RS's timepieces are one of the few exceptions. The rose compliments the style and beauty of this wristwatch, not to mention timeless/classical magnificence. There are special watches and there are special watches. This... 

I will take some photos with my other watches soon just for you!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:33
And yes I too prefer white metal and as you correctly stated, this is one of the few exceptions.

I cannot wait, thank you!

 By: KCLQMULKU : October 15th, 2022-08:16
Did you managed to visit the Isle of Man?

No I did not

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-10:44
as I had wanted the watch to be delivered to me in Malaysia whereas if I had collected it from the Isle of Man, I would have had to pay UK VAT. Yes I know, one should not be so calculative but any saving during my retirement would never go amiss. But I do... 

As someone from the UK I forget our forum is global. ;))

 By: KCLQMULKU : October 15th, 2022-17:48
I had a chance to visit a few times when I was in Wales, but yes, to visit RS's factory alone will be a reason. The views and area is of course majestic and is another reason even if I dont get an invite at the workshop. πŸ˜†. Yes, certainly if you are to or... 

A few more of his timepieces?!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-17:55
Ordering one took me 70 months to decide and another 70 months to arrive! So I am happy with my one Saying that, I do know of one purist who has ordered all five - Series 1 to 5, and has just taken delivery of a Series 2.


 By: KCLQMULKU : October 15th, 2022-17:57

I love Wales by the way

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-18:09
having lived in the UK for 35 years and having graduated from Cardiff University many moons ago.

My second home

 By: sham1 : October 16th, 2022-01:10
and a place close to my heart.

Here is the Series 1 with my Murakumo, my definition of the perfect watch

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-16:00
Here is what I like and dislike about the Series 1 and the Murakumo Series 1 Likes 1. Beautifully made 2. 38mm case which enables wearability 3. Engraved movement 4. Rarity 5. Seconds counter and seconds hand 6. Three dimensional hour and minute hands 7. ...  

Thank you so much for this and what a comparison!

 By: KCLQMULKU : October 15th, 2022-17:55
Two ends of the World. A perfect contrast! The Murakumo itself is an amazing and very special timepiece, and is wonderful to see it next to the Roger Smith. Such different watches. To return to your RS, just magnificent to look at, and the way he designs ... 

You are most welcome

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-18:07
I love my dress watches and am quite happy with the few that I am fortunate enough to own. The Patek 7200R London Edition limited to 80 pieces The Patek 3878J - an incoming for my 60th birthday next year! The Atum 37 piece unique to commemorate the 10th a...  

Thank you for your kind words!

 By: sham1 : November 17th, 2022-06:47
How would it compare against the hands of my Kikuchi Nakagawa?! ...  

The wait would be too long for many but I believe in waiting

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:37
What many do not realise is that I had waited 70 months before placing an order for the watch. Yes, I am somewhat a slow coach but that's just me when it comes to watches. It took me 3 years after viewing a Frodsham before placing and order which will tak... 

Definitely a rare beauty

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:39
I shall be honest - there was a temptation to part with it initially before receiving it but this is more than just a watch (to me at least!)

A 70 month wait might seem like an eternity

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:42
but few know that I had waited approximately 70 months before placing my order for the watch. But it was not as if I was not doing anything but waiting during the entire period - I was too busy indulging myself in our passion again and again

A long waiting time for a watch might initially appear unacceptable to many theoretically

 By: sham1 : October 16th, 2022-17:39
but practically as long as one is reasonably healthy and indulges in other past times including of course watch collecting, the waiting time is not so bad really. Afterall, must we always have whatever we wish immediately?! I had to wait 56 years before m... 

Nicely put. I’m 51 and single… so you’re saying there’s a chance?

 By: RabidManatee : October 16th, 2022-17:58
Oh well, if it happens it happens. Enjoy your new watch. And the others too.

You're a baby at 51!

 By: sham1 : October 16th, 2022-18:05
If you can make your way to Malaysia, I will find you the right woman and failing that, you will find the right watch!

Sounds like a fun trip!

 By: RabidManatee : October 16th, 2022-20:55
I have a feeling that the watch would be less expensive 😁

Depends which watch!

 By: sham1 : October 17th, 2022-06:18
But I would introduce you to a low maintenance life partner because I cannot have you sacrifice your passion for watches

Much appreciated 🍻

 By: RabidManatee : October 17th, 2022-16:40

A huge congratulations, Sham!!!

 By: jleno : October 14th, 2022-22:42
Any Roger Smith is a god-tier grail. I especially love the engraving on the back of yours! Try to post more photos when you can!

Thank you! Here is one more :-)

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:51


 By: jleno : October 15th, 2022-12:27

Wonderful shots!!!

 By: jleno : October 15th, 2022-15:35

My exact sentiments

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-15:48
Thank you!

I recently had an opportunity …

 By: wootwoot : October 14th, 2022-23:28
… to purchase a watch were delivery was quoted 4 or 5 years out. Wait, what? Although I love this watchmaker and already own his stuff, I had to ask myself: who would sign up for such a long waiting period? Now I know who! Hope you enjoy your long-awaited... 

There are many of us who prefer to receive our purchases as soon as possible

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:55
I am a bit weird as I prefer to wait for my purchases to arrive. It makes me treasure the item that much more and adds to the purchase experience in my opinion. Things that one has to wait for tend to be more exclusive and sought after - an Hermes bag, a ... 

Thank you so much for your well wishes.

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-02:56
I am glad that you like so many other esteemed collectors on this forum have acknowledged how special this piece is.

Congratulations Sham!

 By: RahulR : October 15th, 2022-06:09
We have had a few discussions since you have picked up the piece. I am glad you have finally decided to show it off! Sublime watch, the rose gold is beautiful. Do let me know when you decide to wear it out Rahul

Thanks Rahul!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-06:50
When might we be privileged to witness your new timepiece??!! I need company when it comes to showing off

Maestro….drum roll please! πŸ‘πŸ‘

 By: Andy_Mac : October 15th, 2022-06:32
I look forward to as many pictures and wrist shots as you care to upload. I think I may have to watch the Watchmaker’s Apprentice again! πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Thank you Andy!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-06:51
I love that DVD! Will post more photos later today


 By: George Gently : October 15th, 2022-06:54
Wonderful! Congratulations Sham πŸ‘

Thank you George!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-07:04
I just had lunch with a fellow purist and brought the watch to show him. I have shown him many watches over the years and I have never seen him spending so much time examining a watch so meticulously with a loupe.

These photos were taken by my good friend and fellow purist, Joey

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-15:03
I believe they may be some of the best macros of a Series 1 ever taken! ...  

I cannot complain :-)

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-15:13
It is a movement that one cannot get bored of! Thanks George.

Congratulations Sham !

 By: mahesh : October 15th, 2022-12:51
Roger is an incredible gem to add your collection...

Thank you very much Mahesh!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-15:12

Thanks Justin and I agree but

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-16:12
I have noticed that when it sits next to me on my settee, I get the option of looking at the front and back of the case whereas if it is on my wrist, then, I miss ogling at the beauty of the movement!

Ah yes! Of course, I am building up to that Justin! :-)

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-16:42
If I ever do take a watch out with me, more often than not, it will be on my wrist. Occasionally it might be in a watch case but that's probably because I have another watch on my wrist Keeping a watch in my pocket is a big no no!

Thank you!

 By: sham1 : October 15th, 2022-16:13
It is rare and beautiful and I feel so blessed and privileged at being its custodian.

Thank you very much!!

 By: sham1 : October 17th, 2022-13:54
It was definitely worth the wait!

So very nice…Jim

 By: : November 7th, 2022-23:30

Thank you Jim!

 By: sham1 : November 8th, 2022-00:46
A work of art which keeps amazingly accurate time too.

Amazingly stunning catch my friend! Well deserved after this long wait!

 By: Mike H : November 12th, 2022-23:06
You know my motto since long "Less is more" so I could not agree more with you! Enjoy it fully and wear it in the very best of your health my friend! Needless to you that I am crazy excited about the idea of making a shooting with this one also when you w... 

My dear Mike

 By: sham1 : November 13th, 2022-07:02
Would it not be a better idea if you dropped by in Malaysia and took photos of all my watches?!! I doubt that I will be brave enough to bring both the Smith and Grossmann to Paris but I will definitely bring the Grossmann as promised. Please take care and... 

Thanks a lot!

 By: sham1 : November 16th, 2022-16:26
I certainly will.

series 1 presentation box

 By: KLC8 : January 19th, 2023-23:47
Hi Sham, i think we are all curious about the presentation box and accessories it come with , would you mind to share with us? thank u

Here goes!

 By: sham1 : January 20th, 2023-04:31
The watch came in a burgundy coloured box with a suede interior. There was not much in term of accessories apart from a letter signed by Roger Smith detailing the watch. ...  

what a beautiful presentation

 By: KLC8 : January 20th, 2023-11:01
thanks for the eye candy Sham. cheers

My pleasure!

 By: sham1 : January 20th, 2023-14:39
I especially liked the way the watch has been described in detail and the paperwork hand signed by Roger Smith. A nice touch!

Accuracy ?

 By: KLC8 : March 21st, 2023-05:50
Hi Sham , i wonder after you enjoy the beautiful watch for while how accurate is this piece?

Thanks for asking

 By: sham1 : March 21st, 2023-06:02
It has been pretty accurate up to about 2 to 3 seconds daily. This is measuring it over a 30 day period. I personally did not expect it to be this accurate so it is an added bonus to the ownership experience. Credit to Roger Smith for the strict inhouse t... 

what a ideal piece

 By: KLC8 : March 23rd, 2023-02:46
it has both of the world, accuracy, and aesthetic. do you mind sharing with us a few more pictures in different angles so we can see how is shines and feel of the watch? thank u Sham

The near perfect watch

 By: sham1 : March 23rd, 2023-03:10
I say 'near' because the 13.5mm height of the watch means I have to be careful when wearing the watch. I would have preferred the height to be 10mm!

We can only admire from photo u posted !

 By: Chris24 : March 26th, 2023-09:20
Congrats Please share more !

Thank you Chris!

 By: sham1 : March 26th, 2023-15:12
I really need a decent photographer to capture the watch at its best. My skills and those of my friend's do not do it justice.


 By: watch-er : April 10th, 2023-16:19
It was well worth the wait.


 By: sham1 : April 10th, 2023-16:37
I actually like waiting for my watches as it makes the experience that much more memorable. Thank you!

Thank you!

 By: sham1 : April 18th, 2023-04:27
I shall be in attendance.

Thank you Ambel!

 By: sham1 : April 19th, 2023-14:08
I only discovered recently that the watch is a piece unique as it is the only configuration in this case size and dial. Most of the Series 1 have been in 40mm. This is one of three in 38mm and the only one with this dial so I am quite pleased by this.