Indeed, a real part of the family.

Sep 01, 2021,10:44 AM

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My beloved ferret passed away.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-10:24
Well, it has been two months as she passed away on the 11th of July, it takes time to digest that, and I didn't, yet, by the way. All those who didn't live with a pet will have hard time to understand that, but it breaks the heart, truly. The feeling of e...  

I feel very sorry for you dear Nico.

 By: @lberti : September 1st, 2021-10:28
I had several dogs when i was a kid. I know the feeling 😑.

Merci, alberti.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:32

Goodby Tagada, I hope you've gone without pain.

 By: Mary Anny : September 1st, 2021-10:34
My condolences Nicolas. Animals often make us suffer more than humans when they leave us.

RIP Tagada.

 By: Lankysudanese : September 1st, 2021-10:35
And terribly sorry for your loss, Nico. I never had a pet, but I can imagine how much it must have hurt to lose a loved companion. Stay strong my friend, and continue to enjoy the memories of the time that you spent together Hussam

Merci beaucoup, Hussam.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-10:40

I’m so sorry my friend.

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : September 1st, 2021-10:37

Thank you, Jocke.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-10:40

I guess that

 By: Antares : September 1st, 2021-10:58
no words in any language will make your grief any better. But remember that you allowed her to have an outstanding good time with you and yours over many years which possibly any other ferret will ever have. Maybe life is live and let live and enjoy the l... 

Oh, that's very cool life for any pet, I'm sure dear. It's very gratifying to have shared your moments with the loved ones..

 By: Pun : September 1st, 2021-16:45
We have a dog and it's the most pampered child we've had. I can understand your feelings... May Lord bless the departed soul and give you strength to bear the loss.

Im sorry to hear this, Nico....

 By: ChristianDK : September 1st, 2021-11:29
I have always enjoyed your crazy and fun stories and pictures with Tagada.... May she rest in peace.

Very sorry to read it.

 By: MichaelC : September 1st, 2021-11:51
As time passes and you heal, take solace in knowing the wonderful life you provided for this animal. We have a dog on the back half of his life, God willing, and a guinea pig nearing 4+ years old. I never thought I could love the pig so much, she is amazi... 

My dear friend, I am so sorry for your loss.

 By: aperna : September 1st, 2021-12:10
If there is one thing that I have learned in my career is how frail the human heart can be In my lifetime, when I have been struck with grief or sadness I try to remember all the good that I had received from a special relationship. I also know that time ... 


 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:30

May her memory be a blessing.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : September 1st, 2021-12:27

Merci, Nacelle.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:30

So sorry to hear this Nicolas.

 By: Jay (Eire) : September 1st, 2021-12:33
Especially hard if the pet was the one whom ensured the house was never empty. I do have some understanding. We lost a dog at the start of this year, he was 15.

My condolences to Tagada

 By: Cookies : September 1st, 2021-12:35
I can feel the lost. Having lost a dog which I grew up with. The sadness took a year to subside. I sometimes imagine she is reborn as my current dog. I even named my dog with a name similar to hers.

Sorry to hear that Nicolas.

 By: eklektik : September 1st, 2021-12:42
I never any pet so don't know the feeling, but sorry to hear that you're in pain. Focus on the good memories: A ferret on the beach, that must have been an adventure!! Take care. Best, E.

As any pet owner knows, the death of such a dear friend is inconsolable.

 By: George Gently : September 1st, 2021-13:04
May I wish you strength in coping with this loss and I'm sure Tagada has fun in the eternal hunting grounds...

Grazie, Fab.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:38

I am sorry for your loss, Nicolas...

 By: jporos : September 1st, 2021-13:24
Always hard to lose a family member.

Oh yes... Merci, John.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:38

Feel sorry for you Nico. How a little animal can be so close to our heart is amazing. Sammy, one of my beloved rabbits, passed away 3 months ago.

 By: hoseachandra : September 1st, 2021-13:28
Very sad. I buried him near my house. He had been with my family since last year. A cute, innocent friend that likes to play and made my kids happy. Sammy is the brown one ...  

Thank you, Im6.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:40

Very sorry.

 By: TheMadDruid : September 1st, 2021-13:32
Early on when you get a pet you’re aware she won’t be with you forever. Then there comes a point when you can’t imagine your household without her. We all start hoping that ours is the one who will beat the odds; last forever. Or even outlast us. Chances ... 

My deepest and heartfelt sympathies

 By: ant : September 1st, 2021-13:46
for your loss. We call them animals but in so many ways they are better than us. Somehow they become part of us. Words cannot express my sympathy for all of you. Kindest regards Antony

Indeed. Thanks, Tchela.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:45

Now that I also have a Maltese, I often imagine that day will come…

 By: Clueless_Collector : September 1st, 2021-14:00
And it will tear me up every time 😢, simulating it myself prepares me so I will be stronger when it happen, or cheating myself by diluting the effects like time will heal the pain. Sorry to hear that…I always remind myself that our pets are so much luckie... 

So sorry to hear this Nicolas

 By: Geo : September 1st, 2021-14:15
but I fully understand your feelings. Since I had probably about the same feeling when my rat passed away. But I am sure the interaction with your ferret was much more intense than with my rat. And it's true that people who never had pets, find it often h... 

I’m very sorry to hear this Nicolas. She was such a sweet creature.

 By: kev09 : September 1st, 2021-14:28
To lose any pet is a dreadful experience but I know that in time you will look back on your time with her with very fond memories. Regards Kev.

I’m so sorry to hear Nico.

 By: jp884 : September 1st, 2021-14:32
Pets are like family members the pain is real when they pass.

Exactly, mon ami.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:49

Thank you so much, Ed.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-14:49

Heart breaking...

 By: BigFatPauli : September 1st, 2021-15:11
I am so sorry for your loss. Pets truly become part of the family and losing one is devastating.

Agreed. alas.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-15:14

Thank you so much, K.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-15:14

Very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear pet.

 By: halkcb : September 1st, 2021-15:28
Have followed your narrative of your life with her on this site---still you'll have great memories. Take care,my friend

So sorry to hear.

 By: NautNut : September 1st, 2021-15:29
I lost my buddy 10 months ago and the sadness is difficult.

Sorry to hear Nico. Our pets are part of the family.

 By: Rrpdc : September 1st, 2021-15:29
Totally understand. I was so down when I lost my cat if 13 years. They are def part of the family. Thoughts with you!

Very touching and a fine tribute to your furry companion...

 By: oyster case : September 1st, 2021-15:31
they are members of the family and bring so much to our lives. My sincere condolences and regards Nico mon ami.

Merci beaucoup, mon ami.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-15:32

Sad to hear, dear Nicolas.

 By: S F : September 1st, 2021-15:59
As a dog owner, I can understand the pain. Pets are part of the family and we have to take good care of them and make sure they have a happy life.

Merci, Chronometer.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-16:11

Thank you, emcquillan.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-16:13

I don't have a pet but I feel for you

 By: penfriend : September 1st, 2021-16:32
Hopefully it will get better with time passing by

I doubt that, but thanks.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:17

I'm so sorry for your loss, Nico.

 By: blau : September 1st, 2021-16:43
And I understand. We lost our cat, Sampson, months ago and are still hurting for him. ...  

Too sad, really too sad.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:18

She is. I am sure of that.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:18

My deepest condolences, Nico.

 By: BigAppleBill : September 1st, 2021-16:47

Thanks, Bill.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:18

Sorry to hear, my friend

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2021-16:54
Time will heal, but the great memories will remain

Nicely said. Thanks, Richard.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:18

That’s sad news …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : September 1st, 2021-16:54
When you lose a pet it’s a very difficult time. I’m sorry that this has happened and hope that you remember the happy times that you shared together.

I will. Thanks, Cpt.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:17

Time is a good healer.

 By: Cpt Scarlet : September 1st, 2021-21:19

I wish you strength during this difficult time.

 By: patrick_y : September 1st, 2021-16:58
Nothing will replace Tagada. This is a very unfortunate and difficult reality of having un animal de compagnie.

mes condoléances!

 By: Ambiorix : September 1st, 2021-17:12
it is always hard to loose a loved one, 2 legs, 4 legs or more... I understand your meaning of saying she's exceptional. Animals are far more intelligent then we human want to admit.... they understand us without speaking our language. Courage. Grtz,Dom

Condolences Nico...

 By: APROchrono : September 1st, 2021-17:18
... i am sure Tagada is in a good place. The human bond with pets is so hard to explain - which makes the passing all the tougher - especially as most animals live shorter lives than us. Find solace in that you gave Tagada a full life and a lot of love, a... 

So sorry.

 By: Champthekid : September 1st, 2021-17:36
Pets are family members and it always really hurts to lose a family member.

Merci, Will.

 By: amanico : September 1st, 2021-21:32

What a sad story

 By: Weems@8 : September 1st, 2021-19:20
Tagada is to the animal heaven. I can not imagine if my cat leave me by the D word. A watch is replaceable, but not a pet. They are unique and special.

You have my truest and deepest sympathy!

 By: kkochheiser : September 1st, 2021-20:03
The loss of such a loved pet and family member is heartbreaking indeed. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Kent

So sorry for your loss Nico

 By: chikai168 : September 1st, 2021-20:12
My sincere condolences my friend. Having lost pets too, I know how you feel. Take care for now and I hope your daughter is ok. BW, Chi Kai

I am so sorry for your loss!

 By: Spencer Karrington : September 1st, 2021-20:13
I completely understand your pain. When I lost my sister (she was a doggy btws) I was in complete and utter shock and the sadness/pain never goes away. However, as time goes by, the scar lessons in terms of intensity and while it will always remains, it i...  

No worries and thank you

 By: Spencer Karrington : September 1st, 2021-22:08
she was super cute but a complete diva


 By: amanico : September 2nd, 2021-04:39


 By: bimbeano : September 1st, 2021-20:16
…… I really feel bad now 😢. Tagada my love passed away …. She was quite extraordinairy to say the least 😢😪. I know she had a great life, keep that in mind Nicolas, these animals, just like dogs, have a much shorter lifespan than us humans …. But she had a... 


 By: bimbeano : September 6th, 2021-22:10
She was a cool beast to say the least ….. .

So sorry for your loss my friend.

 By: D-TIME1 : September 1st, 2021-22:52
Pets become a part of us and when they go it is very hard to let go.. Still think of my Kallee (dog) everyday and it has been almost 2 years.. Like many have said just have to think of the companionship and time shared and that you were both lucky to have... 

Oh gosh Nicolas!

 By: Mostel : September 2nd, 2021-01:54
So very sorry and sending lots of love your way.

Merci, Mostel, my friend.

 By: amanico : September 2nd, 2021-04:30

I’m so sorry

 By: E in PA : September 2nd, 2021-01:57

Thank you, EinPa.

 By: amanico : September 2nd, 2021-04:30

Losing a lovely pet is never easy, condolences for your loss.

 By: kesharoo : September 2nd, 2021-05:09
My wife and I have had many cats over the years, all rescued. I have had some pass on in my arms, some of old age and in all cases I cried because I know I will miss them and I love them a lot. I only have pictures to remind me and my wife from time to ti... 

very sorry..

 By: TylerDurden : September 2nd, 2021-08:08
I know what it is to loose a pet.. I mean a friend..take care

It breaks my heart too, she was so cool and so funny

 By: Mike H : September 2nd, 2021-08:47
You told me tens if not hundreds of funny stories with her... the best one probably when she took some of your watches to hide them and it took you ages to find where she had put them . You know my love for pets too and I share your sadness, bon courage m... 

Sorry for your loss!

 By: drg : September 2nd, 2021-12:00
My deepest heartfelt condolences.

Thank you so much, drg.

 By: amanico : September 2nd, 2021-13:50

Very sad to hear this Nico. Always difficult.

 By: Overwound : September 2nd, 2021-16:20
Our pets become family and when the time comes to say goodbye it's often to soon and always painful. You have memories that will be with you forever and while that's not a replacement for anything, and never could be, it's more than you had without her. O... 

Sad to hear about this Nico

 By: KamalRostov : September 3rd, 2021-03:30
I’m sure Tagada is in a good place…

Thank you, Echi.

 By: amanico : September 3rd, 2021-21:18

sorry to read about your loss, dear friend

 By: terbaboom : September 3rd, 2021-11:00
please take care

I believe she loved you as much . . .

 By: Dr No : September 4th, 2021-19:46
. . . as you her, Nicolas. 😔

I’m sorry I’m so late with condolences.

 By: Uncle Chico : September 5th, 2021-15:58
One of the most heartbreaking moments is when the time comes to say goodbye. If you understand that you have made one’s time on earth better than it otherwise would have been, perhaps you can find peace.

I am never on this subforum but luckily I was pointed here by a friend and fellow forum member. I know we talked about this when we were together Nico but please accept my condolences for your loss...

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 13th, 2021-13:34
I know how you feel brother. I have lost way too many animal companions or should I say family members over the years. It is so sad and a small part of us dies with them BUT we must go on and persevere. I am going through a difficult moment with Yokozuna ... 

Will certainly do so mon ami 🙏🙏

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 13th, 2021-13:56

Keep us posted.

 By: amanico : September 13th, 2021-13:58

Will do 🤞👍

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 13th, 2021-13:59

I'm so sorry to read this ...

 By: Marcus Hanke : September 16th, 2021-18:37
some people live alongside pets, but we live WITH pets. Our lives are shaped around them, similar to a family with kids. Unlike kids, who normally lead their independent lives and peave our homes, the pets depend on us until they are left by their last br... 

Merci, CGJ10.

 By: amanico : September 16th, 2021-22:04

Nico, so sorry to hear of the passing of Tagada

 By: NickO : September 19th, 2021-06:18
I don’t think anyone can ever overestimate the bond and affection we have with our fury companions. Last year when my divorce was finalized, my ex-wife was granted all of our household possessions. I got Malcolm, our twelve-year-old Cornish Rex. I’d do th... 

That’s life, my friend!

 By: NickO : September 19th, 2021-22:08
As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to see adversity as a gift: It is a chance to display our character or to learn something new about ourselves.